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Can you guess what is important but is also often overlooked? I’ll tell you…childhood interests! We often think that we will grow out of passions from our childhood. I know I felt this way. Somehow, I felt that what I enjoyed in my youngest years would not translate to my adult life and career. We can’t all be astronauts, rockstars, and veterinarians, can we?

However, I would be lying if I said that, now, in hindsight, I didn’t see a clear thread of creativity running through my life. In this post, I’m going to cover what those constant interests and passions were, and how they manifested over time. It definitely was not linear, and not what I had imagined, but I have no doubt that it was meant to be.

Always a Nurturer

As long as I can remember, I have always loved babies and kids! I had scores of baby dolls, but I also nurtured anything I felt was a “baby”. I would put my mini poodle in a baby carriage and push her around.

Once, when I was about three, I got a toy in a McDonald’s happy meal, but I was unhappy with it because it was a toy monster.  I didn’t want it, but my grandma was smart; she told me with a big sigh, “But Katelyn, it’s a baby monster!” That’s all it took; I changed my tune and cuddled that little monster toy.

Caring for others, especially babies and children, has been a constant in my life. I didn’t outgrow it! I started helping in children’s ministry when I myself was still a child around 9 years old. I was a teacher’s assistant in a preschool Sunday School class. When I went to college, I majored in Family and Child Studies, with a concentration in Applied Child Development.  I taught daycare for several years, and now I volunteer with women and families at the local pregnancy resource center. I am looking forward to becoming a mother as well!

Creativity and an Entrepreneurial Spirit

From a young age, I was creative, even in my play. I often played by myself, and I enjoyed it. I had a very rich imagination and could play solo for hours. I would make up games and scenarios, especially with Barbies. Barbies were my favorite! I once made a high fashion evening gown for my Barbie out of a loofah (see below for proof)!

Looking back, I showed an entrepreneurial spirit in my play as well. In kindergarten, I would hand make mud pies and “sell” them in a play market for leaf money. When I got a bit older, I became very interested in making jewelry with hemp cord and beads. I think I did sell a few pieces to my friends for some change, but that wasn’t allowed to happen at school, so that was quickly put to an end. I would even mix different body washes and soaps together and try to “sell” them!

Working with my Hands

I began hand sewing when I was about six or seven years old. I made clothes for my Barbies and little stuffed toys and pillows. I had one of those loom kits, and I would make little rugs for my Barbie’s house. As I mentioned before, I enjoyed making jewelry from hemp cord and beads. I really liked braiding and weaving and would often make intricate hairstyles on my dolls.

I didn’t start to do fiber art until late high school. I started with cross stitch, then took up knitting in college, crochet once I got married, and freehand embroidery just a couple of years ago. I also learned how to operate a sewing machine about five years ago, so relatively recently.

Starting My Business

I remember really enjoying these crafts and joyfully making gifts for friends and family. Many times, people would tell me the old adage: “You’re really good at that! You should sell your stuff!” I was hesitant because I didn’t want what I enjoyed doing in my free time to become a chore. I didn’t want to feel like I had to do this, instead of getting to do it.

I eventually decided to go for it, though, and I’m so glad I did. I started Katelyn Marie Customs in 2018, and I haven’t looked back since! I have so enjoyed bringing my customers’ visions to life through custom, handmade orders. I’m excited to see what the future will bring through my creative business.  Speaking of which…

How All of This Ties Together

Like many people, I did not imagine my life to be what it is like now.

In college and shortly after, I thought I would be serving families and children directly for the rest of my career.

I played off my natural creative abilities as childhood interests that I would grow out of.

I denied that I had any entrepreneurial or business sense, since math was my least favorite subject.

I didn’t think I could have a career in doing what I love without making it a burden.

But here’s the thing…

Nothing has been wasted, at all.

My childhood passions were little seeds planted in me that would eventually grow and mature into beautiful fruit.

Just because I am not in a typical 9-5 job within my degree, doesn’t mean that earning it was in vain.

My creativity and natural business sense are not accidental.

And I want you to know that this is true for you, too! Don’t downplay your natural skills and passions. Don’t regret your education or experience just because you are not in a career that is directly tied to it. Don’t discount what you love doing as impossible for a career.

I have found in my short 27 (almost 28!) years that everything you do, feel, and think matters. There will be a clear thread throughout your life, weaving all of these things together. Often, we don’t see it and we feel like we are floundering, not knowing which direction we are supposed to be headed. But I have a secret for you that will change your life if you apply it…

life is not linear.

I feel deep in my bones that Katelyn Marie Customs will change and evolve even more to utilize my love for children and families. I’m not sure what that will look like as of now, but I am looking forward to finding out.

Hindsight is always 20/20. So, I encourage you to look back on your life and find the constant threads that have led you to where you are now. You may not be where you ultimately want to go, but that’s okay. This life is a journey.

Thanks so much for reading! This is my first blog post, so I would love some feedback on it. Leave a comment with what you enjoyed, what could be better, and what consistent threads you have found run through your life.

I appreciate you!
